

Rreth Proarchitecture

“Proarchitecture” shpk was founded in 2007, initially as a general partnership, while from 2012 it operates as a Limited Liability Company (LLC). “Proarchitecture” shpk is characterized by an extensive cooperation with various architects and engineers, responsible and professional, who have contributed to the company to safety increase.”Proarchitecture” shpk is company specialized in the field of urban planning, design and engineering services, focused mainly in the design industry, starting from urban design to the preparation of buildings for technical acceptance, Both in public and private objects.

Today “Proarchitecture” shpk has a wide network of local and international associates and it is extending successful to the international market, through various professional cooperations with different professionals.The main success of the company so far has been achieved through private customers, mainly of powerful clients, who are important names in the construction industry in Kosovo.

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Arkitekturë & Inxhinieri
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